Verdun Oil Company Refracs

Verdun Oil Company is recognized as having performed the first full liner isolation refrac in the Eagle Ford in April 2018 and is a leader in implementation of recompletion technology. Since launching its refrac program, the Company has recompleted approximately 100 wells, delivering over 14 million incremental barrels of oil equivalent (“BOE”) to market versus pre-refrac projections.

Early vintage wells in the Eagle Ford were developed using suboptimal completion designs, leaving vast quantities of reserves in the ground. With no incremental facility or infrastructure costs to connect into highly efficient existing operations, many of these wells are ideal candidates for restimulation using modern completions.  These wells are ideal candidates for restimulation using modern completions. With over 1,800 producing wells on Verdun’s acreage footprint and more than1,000 completed nearly a decade ago, Verdun has an expansive sandbox to capture untapped reserves. Having widely tested and evaluated refracs throughout the Eagle Ford trend with much success, Verdun is ideally positioned to capitalize on future refrac opportunities, adding years of incremental, highly economic development to its portfolio.

To partner with the industry leader on refrac / redevelopment of your existing asset base, please contact Verdun here.

Verdun Oil Company Refracs


For more information on refracs and partnering with the Eagle Ford leader on redevelopment, please click here.