
Verdun Oil Company is strategically focused on the Eagle Ford Play which has proven to be one of the most prolific and profitable plays in the world.

Verdun Oil Company owns and operates leasehold spanning from Dimmit to DeWitt County, TX, primarily focused on the oil and condensate windows of the Eagle Ford trend and additional Austin Chalk acres in the dry gas window of the Giddings Field. The Company currently holds an expansive acreage position of approximately 282,000 net leasehold acres (97% operated), with over 227,000 net acres in the Eagle Ford trend and 55,000 net acres in the Giddings Field. We also own royalty interest in approximately 15,300 net royalty acres, 93% operated by Verdun.

Verdun Oil Company
Verdun Oil Comapny

Through numerous acquisitions and a successful development program, Verdun has grown net production to approximately 90 MBOED (60% oil, 80% liquids | 94% operated) since inception, while keeping over 10 MBOED of dry gas production curtailed due to market conditions. Unconstrained production exceeds 100 net MBOED.

With over 1,100 Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk undrilled locations remaining, Verdun has more than 15 years of high-value drilling inventory and proven redevelopment opportunities to supplement greenfield locations.

Verdun is a leader in recompletion of existing wellbores having launched its refrac program in early 2018 with the Eagle Ford’s first full liner isolation refrac and executed approximately 100 recompletions to-date. Our inventory of recompletion opportunities adds years of incremental, highly economic development. For more information on refracs click here.

Ample takeaway and proximity to the Gulf Coast provides optionality and access to premium markets.

Verdun has extensive, company-owned infrastructure in place reducing overall cost structure and allowing for full-field development with minimal future capital outlay. Infrastructure includes over 87,000 HP of company-owned compression (>50% of total utilized), 2 saltwater disposal wells, over 80 central production facilities, over 500 miles of gathering and sales lines, 78 frac ponds, more than 50 water supply wells, and real-time surveillance on ~98% of assets.  All this in combination with efficient, cost-conscious operations results in gross LOE per BOE of ~$4.00 and Midstream Expense of ~$2.00 per BOE. Altogether the Company realizes gross OPEX per BOE of ~$6.00 and net operating cash flow margins of over 80%.

Verdun’s Giddings Austin Chalk wells deliver initial production rates of over 20 MMCFD (100% natural gas) and high flowing pressures >7,000 PSI allowing for long flat production periods and high ultimate resource delivery.  The Company curtailed production at Giddings beginning in 2023 due to market conditions and is opportunistically cycling wells during periods of high natural gas prices. 

Verdun Oil Comapny

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