Corporate Responsiblity


We will protect the environment and promote environmental stewardship in the areas where we operate, and we will never compromise our safety procedures and measures.

Focus on maintaining the highest standard of operational safety in the field.

  • Verdun has devoted ESG personnel on staff to ensure best practices in safety and environmental stewardship.
  • Employ company-wide HSER Tracking and Observations systems for incident reporting and communicating/ensuring proper safety protocols & best practices
  • Remuneration for company employees incorporates HSER performance.
  • Require rigorous monthly EHS training for all field personnel.
  • Conduct random drug testing of all personnel on location.

Devote substantial resources to maximizing operational efficiency, while at the same time eliminating health and safety risks to our stakeholders and the environmental impact caused by spills and releases.

  • Multiple steps taken to reduce carbon footprint, including but not limited to installing Vapor Recovery Units (“VRUs”) on 99% of production and utilizing field gas instead of diesel to fuel hydraulic frac pumps.
  • Over 80% of produced oil and water transported on pipe to minimize the number of trucks on the road.
  • Recycle produced wastewater for use in ongoing completion operations.
  • Flare less than 1% of total natural gas production volume.
  • Proactive implementation and retrofit of instrument air to minimize IRA tax burden.


Corporate Governance

We ensure that our business practices comply with all applicable laws and regulations


We treat all employees, stakeholders, and others who are affected by our activities fairly and without prejudice to gender, race, ethnic or national origin, socioeconomic status, age, religion, or disability